Sunday 23 Jan services

Breakfast@9 gets our day started with a bang (and bacon rolls). It is a fun programme aimed at helping families, especially those with younger children, explore the Christian faith together whilst making friends and enjoying breakfast.

You are invited to join us for our morning service at 10.30 as we consider what it means to us personally to ‘Grow in Faith’ from our mission statement.

Then at 6.30 pm, we will be meeting for ‘Prayer and Praise’ in person at church as we continue to seek God’s will and purpose for us as a church in this time of change. The focus of the evening will be reflecting on Isaiah 61 and the ‘garment of praise’ which has been a recurring theme in words given to us from those seeking the Lord’s heart in prayer in this season.

Whilst we meet for Prayer and Praise those on the Bible Course will be looking at part 2. If you’re interested in this course then take a look here for more info: