Hot off the press, here are the current program for the 24 hours of prayer starting tomorrow (Sat, 22/May) from 8am onwards:
Read moreLittle Freshers
We have had so many inquiries about when we might start Little Freshers again. We would like to assure you all that we are (almost) as keen to re-open as you certainly are for us to open our doors. We are working on putting in place all the Covid...
Read moreB@9 family activities for 9 May 21
Here is a colouring page/poster linked with our story today. The younger children might like to use a paper plate – if you have any left from last week ready to draw a face on. Children will also need something to colour in with. Here is...
Read moreYouTube service video for 2nd May 21
We’re sorry if you were looking for the 10:30 service video this morning. It has mysteriously disappeared off YouTube (having definitely been on there yesterday). It will be public on our channel sometime around 11.20am this morning...
Read moreB@9 Family Activities for Sunday 2nd May
For the craft today, the children will need (ideally) a paper plate, or a piece of paper if not (with something they can draw round to make a circle (like a real plate). They will also need felts or crayons, ideally green and purple.
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