
For the



still thinking,


Our next course is starting Friday 17th January, 10.30am at the church, with food included.

Explore Life’s Big Questions at Alpha

This next Alpha will run over the course of 11 interactive sessions on Friday mornings. Each session has a short video followed by a chat where you can share your thoughts and questions. There is the opportunity to stay for lunch afterwards. It is a great place to explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, honest and informal environment.

If you would like to know more about Alpha @ Freshbrook Church, or email your name and contact details to, or phone the church office on 01793 873050.

If you’re not sure, come and try it out, there is no obligation to complete the course and there will be no unwanted follow up. If a Friday morning is no good for you but you are interested then do get in touch, we have two further courses planned in the year ahead.

The Programme

  1. Is There More to Life Than This?
  2. Who is Jesus?
  3. Why Did Jesus Die?
  4. How Can I Have Faith?
  5. Why and How Do I Pray?
  6. Why and How Should I Read the Bible?
  7. How Does God Guide Us?
    • Alpha Day
      • Who is the Holy Spirit?
      • What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
      • How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
      • How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?
  8. How Can I Resist Evil?
  9. Why and How Should I Tell Others?
  10. Does God Heal Today?
  11. What About the Church?