We teach the biblical principle of stewardship. Everything we have belongs to God, and we’re only looking after what He’s given us.
We want to be a generous people who love and care for people in our community.
We are a registered charity with a board of Trustees who are responsible for how we use the money entrusted to us ensuring that we are good stewards.

Regular gifts by Standing Order

Most of our income comes through monthly standing orders. This helps us budget and is a simple way for you to maintain your regular giving.
Please download and complete a Standing Order Form or, if you need help, please email us:
Regular or one-off gifts by online banking
Log on to your online banking and set up a direct bank transfer. Please use your surname and initials as your reference. Our account details are below:
Freshbrook Church Swindon
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00031128

Gift AID

If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift. Gift Aid allows us to claim an extra 25p from HMRC on top of every £1 donated to us and significantly increases our income each year.
Please download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form and return it to the church office. If you have any queries or require further information
about giving or finance, please get in touch.