Midweek at Freshbrook
There’s lots on during the week.
Tuesday Morning Fellowship
From 10.00 a.m., men and women from all ages and backgrounds come together for coffee/tea and chat and then a service with guest speakers from 10.30 a.m. until 11.30 a.m
Little Freshers
Little Freshers is a large and friendly baby and toddler group which runs every Tuesday between 10am -11.15am followed by 15 minutes singing for those who wish to stay.
Home Groups
Second and Fourth weeks – 7.30/8.00pm.
In these home groups we aim to build a sense of community and friendship as we look at God’s Word together and apply it to our lives.
Prayer Meeting
Come and join us for breakfast as we explore the Christian faith, perfect for families with young…
Home Groups
Second and Fourth weeks – 8.00pm Royal Wootton Bassett
Ladie’s Bible Study
The ladies meet each Thursday morning in term time to study the Bible and share fellowship. We meet at 9 45 for a quick coffee and catch up, We aim to finish around 11 30.
Snack and Chat
12 – 2pm Snack and Chat lunch club. A place to meet and make friends.
Unite is our Friday night youth group, running from 8-10pm term time. We spend time exploring faith, playing games, and having plenty of time to socialise and get to know each other.