About Us
We are a group of ordinary people who love the Lord Jesus and try to help each other live for him day by day.
We meet together from time to time to worship God, to learn from the Bible, to pray and to encourage one another and we get involved in our community to share the love and good news of Jesus.


We are linked to the FIEC (Fellowship of Independent Churches), and our life and worship are based on the Truth that is found in the Bible
If you live locally or are just visiting the area we warmly invite you to join us in learning more about Jesus.
We have two meetings on a Sunday morning:
- Breakfast@9 – Come and join us for breakfast as we explore the Christian faith through Bible stories, crafts, activities, singing, and a short talk.
- The 10.30 Service – The aim of this service is to encounter God, experience his empowering presence in our worship and in his unchanging word the Bible.


We also have several meeting throughout the week, check our Midweek page to get the latest and most up to date information.
Sometimes meetings are not held, for example, because of holidays.
Find Out More
If you are interested in finding out more about Jesus or have questions about the Christian faith, please contact us and check out our Alpha page.