Transformed Chris Jones, the former wild man of Welsh rugby (the only player to receive 2 life bans from the WRU) will be speaking at Freshbrook Church on Saturday 29th February. This nicely fills the gap in the Six Nations fixtures, but don’t...
Read moreChurch Verse 2020
As Jesus went to his death, he had to carry his cross through the streets. That was what they did in Roman times. People made fun of him, throwing things and laughing. Jesus chose to go through with this because of his love for us. He put our...
Read moreLadies Meeting, Sat 25/Jan
All ladies, of all ages, are invited to a special time together on Saturday, 25/Jan between 10am – 11:30am. Come and enjoy fellowship and conversations to encourage one another. Would you like to get more out of the scriptures? There will...
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