The leadership of Freshbrook Church, in response to the change of status to Tier 4 for Swindon, have decided that we will only hold services online as we continue to premiere our meetings on YouTube as we have done over the last number of months. We will not hold ‘live’ Sunday morning services in the building for the time being.
We would like to be clear, worship services are still permitted in Tier 4. Our building is ‘Covid secure’ and we have risk assessments for every activity that we undertake. However, in the light of the heightened risk of the new strain of coronavirus and the rising infection rate that is pushing infections to an all-time high, we will not meet in person until the risk to all is reduced. That may be through a lower infection rate and/or widespread take-up of a Covid vaccination and the resultant reduction of our current Tier 4 status.
Please note that essential services such as our ‘foodbank’ and blood donor sessions will continue. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the church office.
Thank you for your understanding in these matters.