Thank you to all who participated! We trust you had fun doing it.
First of all, here are the answers for those who are just desperate to know:
All the teams were brilliant (especially as some teams had to contend with snow!) and all scored over 20 out of 25.
We have three winning teams, who all scored 24/25, and they are:
- The Rockets
- Marvellous Martins
- MacNaughton 3
With the overall winners being The Rockets based on the tie breaker. Their imaginative answer, that the large rocks between the Community Centre and the dentists were there because the ancient Swindon Council put them there as a portal to Stonehenge, won the day.
Apart from these winners, a runner up prize went to Lily and Lucas Gibbons.
All have received little goodies for their efforts:).

Why not join in the Treasure Hunt over the Easter holiday (please do keep to the government covid safety guidelines and any updates, we want everybody to stay safe while having fun).
Just download this form:
Start from the church, feel free to park your car in the church’s car park if you need to.
Start following the clues on the form and fill out the answers. It’s all on foot, and mostly on footpaths. It will take about an hour, depending on how fast you walk. It can also be split into two sections.
When you’re done (you should end up close to the church), just put your team name and contact details on the top of the form and post it through the church’s letter box.
Feel free to do the hunt any time during the Easter break. The competition ends on 19/April, and the winner announced on our web site by 23/April. Answers and photos will be posted here too. Some delicious home baked goodies and a lovely gift book will await the winner.
Happy hunting!