We’re excited for the start of the ’Thy Kingdom Come’ global prayer initiative this Thursday, 26th May. Over eleven days, from Ascension to Pentecost, we’ll be praying, personally and corporately, that the Holy Spirit will inspire, equip, and mobilise us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our friends and families, our neighbours and colleagues – that they would come to faith in him.
With all that’s going on around us at this moment, what a significant time to join with others from around the world to cry out to God to pour out His Spirit across the nations – and to stand together in Swindon to ask that God would advance His kingdom in and through us for the sake of our town!
Each day there is a mix of online Zoom prayer gatherings and open ‘prayer spaces’, hosted by various local churches. All the details of what is happening, where and when, and how to get involved are available from the church office if you email office@freshbrook.org.
We’re starting this year’s Thy Kingdom Come with a worship and prayer gathering – on Thursday 26th May at 7:30pm at Pattern Church – and we’d love to see you there! We’re going to ensure there’s lots of time for praying.
P.S. You can find out more about Thy Kingdom Come at the website: https://www.thykingdomcome.global