It is said ‘seeing is believing!’ but too often what is seen is broken, contaminated or corrupted and we’d rather not see it!
So, what then of the unseen? The media would have us focus on the unseen, the Covid-19 virus; whereas the Bible would turn our eyes to the God who is unseen, but who revealed himself in the person of his Son, Jesus.
The unseen in this life causes us to fear, robs us of our joy, and crushes our hope. However, the unseen God, who is revealed in the beauty of creation, and the ordinary and every day selfless acts of kindness and love, is ultimately revealed in the greatest act of selfless love – Jesus, dying in our place, for our sin and guilt, that those who come to Him might know for- giveness, peace and the unshakeable hope of eternal life, beyond this our mortal life, in the new creation.
Will you lift your head and your eyes above the brokenness around you? Turn away from the hopelessness to discover the smile of a loving father God who would make himself known to you through the gift
that Jesus promised, the Holy Spirit, who is God with us!