Carols at The Windmill pub


18 December 2024    
19:00 - 20:00


Once again Lauren and the team at The Windmill pub in Freshbrook are hosting our carol singers for an hour of festive fun for all the family.

We will sing our way through 12 very well known Christmas Carols. If you come and join us we will share a carol sheet with you so that you can join in. We have been doing this for a few years now and every year it gets better! It has been described as ‘the best night in the pub all year!’ Come along and you can decide for yourself if that is true.

You might like to do what a number of others have settled into the habit of doing, and that it is to book a table for dinner whilst the carol singing is on. You’ll need to be quick though, as it is always booked up on the raised seating area adjacent to where we sing.

If you’d like to sing along with us you can click the link below to get a PDF of all the words of the carols in the order we will sing them!

Christmas Carol sheet v3